Sunday, March 24, 2019

Garlic and Aged Balsamic Roasted Broccoli and Mushrooms

This recipe is so easy because once you stick it in the oven, you don't have to worry. No standing over the stove as you would for sautéing (ok, literally no big deal but STILL. When you're lazy you're lazy.) This is packed with flavor and admittedly I ate my serving straight off of the pan, picking at it until I realized how much I'd eaten haha. Hope you enjoy :)

Oven: 400 F
Bake time: 20-25 minutes



8 TBL Earth Balance "Butter" (one stick)
1 TBL Olive oil
4 Garlic Cloves (minced)
2 TBL Aged Balsamic Vinegar
1 tsp Dried Rosemary (minced)
1 TBL Tamari Sauce
salt and pepper to taste


8 oz crimini mushrooms
2 heads of Broccoli

Additional: fresh parsley, chopped



In microwave or over a stove, gently melt Earth Balance “butter” and olive oil together in a large mixing bowl. Throw in the minced garlic and Balsamic vinegar, Rosemary, and Tamari sauce, stir, and let sit while preparing veggies.


Prepare mushrooms by using a paper towel to rub any dirt or imperfections off. Cut off ends of stems, then cut in half. Wash and chop broccoli so that you have about 2” florets.


Toss mushrooms and broccoli into coating making sure to coat thoroughly. Spread on protected backing sheet (I used a non stick baking sheet liner, but you can also use foil). Sprinkle with salt and cracked pepper, then Bake in oven on the middle shelf for 10 minutes. Then, use tongs to toss veggies around and flip them over as needed, and return to bake for another 10 minutes or until the broccoli has a bit of brown on some tips from roasting. Remove from oven and continue to toss veggies in the juices as they cool. Once everything looks completely coated, toss in fresh parsley. Voila!

I used mushrooms and Broccoli, but you can add other veggies to the mix as well as long as you keep the overall amount of veggies relatively the same. Try to switch it up and see how it comes out! Let me know what you tried :)

I based my recipe off of a recipe found here:

by the chunky chef. I changed it up enough that I figured I'd just put what I did on my site, but she was definitely the inspiration! If you're just going for mushrooms and aren't vegan, check out her recipe!

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